Haircuts for Homeless

The WFS Haircuts for Homeless program is part of our DNA, having previously been a founder of a hairdressing base charity and developing the program across Australia and overseas we realised there was a huge need for the homeless in the community to at least have access to one of the things most of us take for granted, a haircut.
We facilitate the program at the Maroochydore Neighbourhood Centre (#maroochyneighbourhoodcentre) on the Sunshine Coast with 550 haircuts and counting being given away for free, thanks to the WFS team of Amanda Oxley, Elayne Smeeton-Denith, Belinda Barret and her Eco Organic team and multiple other hairdressers who have given up their time.
We work alongside the #orangeskylaundry #ozharvest #streetnurses, doctors and many other volunteers and charities who give their time to make meals and feed the homeless and care for their needs.
We really enjoy giving and using a skill we have and it has become a fun and interesting event with some lively conversation to be had with a regular clientele who look forward to our visits. The homeless are just like you and me and some are quite discerning about their haircut, which is ok.
We encourage members of our Waste Free salon community to start up similar events in their community, we are always happy to provide guidance on the protocols you need in place to be working with the homeless and always suggest joining up with a group who is already working in this area as it is the easiest way to start. Contact Waste Free Systems on 1300 731 404 for more information #wastefreesystems- Imagine a world where waste wasn’t pollution-it was a Solution!!