Hair Products for the Homeless

Repurpose, Reuse is the Waste Free mantra, we deal with hair salon waste on a daily basis and have a close relationship with our salon owners, some who are changing their product mix and are left with product they can’t sell and need to move out the door.
We collect waste resources on a weekly or fortnightly basis from salons who have installed our smart recycling bin systems to separate waste on the premises.
Quite often the product companies will take and disperse these items but if they don’t that’s where we come in, we collect from our Waste Free Systems salon community the products which are still new and haven’t been used and take them back to the warehouse to be dispersed to people in need. We don’t collect used products (except for the containers that is) as the homeless are just like you and me and don’t like to get someone else’s leftovers.
We look for recipients in local communities and liaise with charity groups who help us find people who can really use the items
To this point we have collected and distributed 450 excess or change over hair products and hair goods to the homeless, donated by member salons or product companies. We have also had hair product companies come to us with change over product and we always look to help out where we can. Just by joining our salon community you can see the amazing impact we are having on peoples lives. Imagine a world where waste wasn’t pollution-it was a Solution!!