Foodbank Australia

We decided to support Hunger in the Classroom program because our co-founder Leanne works with children on a daily basis and she was concerned about the number of children coming to school without having breakfast.
We teamed up with one of our salon community members B’Me salon to raise funds for this program and $3737.00 was raised over an eighteen-month period.
Foodbank states: ‘Hunger in the Classroom’ highlights the issue of children in Australia going to school on empty stomachs and the impact this has on them, their schools and the wider community.
Teachers reported that students learn more and were better behaved and more productive when they had eaten breakfast and that without a school breakfast program in place, some students would not attend school. A regular breakfast improves nutrition and academic results in students, helps growth and development and positively impacts on happiness and mental health.
“Since commencing the breakfast program, on-time arrivals of students have increased. Students are fully prepared and alert at class time and are generally more engaged in learning. It has also increased the conversation around healthy eating habits and healthy foods. The program in conjunction with other programs in the school has seen a reduction in ‘irritable’ (commencing school unhappy or upset) behaviours.”
Foodbank operates in:
1,000 SCHOOLS NATIONALLY – 67,500 STUDENTS ARE DIRECTLY IMPACTED AND THEY DELIVER 137,290 BREAKFASTS PER WEEK. Imagine a world where waste wasn’t pollution-it was a Solution!!