Environmentally Friendly Business
- there is an easy way.

Salon Waste Reimagined
We provide a customised “smart small bin system” targeted to individual hair salons and other industries. Our bins can be wrapped in very cool artwork (or not), so they become a conversational piece within your business. We offer a weekly or fortnightly pick up service of our outside bins, pending on the business needs.

How Do We Do It?
Separation at the source is the key, and we provide a simple system with clear instructions, hence our end results depend on you. Check out our impressive ECO results so far. All waste streams (Plastic, Hair, Organic, Metal, Paper & Cardboard, Chemical, and Flax) are separated and sorted by hand at our warehouse.

Want To Know How To Recycle?
We provide a customised “smart small bin system” targeted to individual hair salons and food industries. Our bins can be wrapped in artwork so they become a conversational piece within your business. We offer a weekly or fortnightly pick up service of our outside bins, pending on the business needs.

It's Too Easy - Get Involved!
We also consult with hair companies on how they can become more ECO friendly, and have even supplied recycled cardboard boxes to salon staff when moving house.
Want to know more about how to recycle?
Get in touch and see how you can become a part of the solution.
Want to become an
eco-friendly salon?
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